I was inspired to cover this topic by a post that I saw on LinkedIn by . In that post, she listed . This was a good follow-up to my previous episode on how to structure your one-on-one. One topic in that structure was focused on...
An important aspect of managing your career is having regular conversations with your manager about your career goals and performance. What does a GOOD career development one-on-one look like? First, when discussing timing, I think that...
If you imagine a medieval battlefield there were four main groups involved in the fighting. There were the mele fighters who were the front lines -- the men carrying swords and spears or other similar weapons. There was also the calvary --...
So, the answer on how to choose a future career path is…..it depends. It depends on you and your desires and it depends on the company you work for. So, obviously, "it depends" isn't a very useful answer. So let's dive in to...
So, the company I work for has an annual employee survey and my results recently came out. In most areas, I score well, over 90% positive. But one question that I have consistently scored between 80 and 85% favorable (for multiple years)...
In , I talked about how you should be looking for opportunities to increase the scope and impact of the work that you perform. Delegating and automating process driven tasks and soliciting for work that involves more discretion and judgement. ...
Based on the lead quote, Stephen Covey popularized the concept of the "Eisenhower Decisions Matrix" in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The basic premise is that you should rank the things you need to do based on two axes - Is...
One of the things that I often tell my team is "if you're the only one who can, you're the one who always will". What I mean by that is that if you're a single point of knowledge, as a manager, I can't assign those tasks to anyone else and...
In the corporate world, being scared leads to self-doubt and inaction. If your goal is to advance your career, those are two attributes that you CAN'T let take over. So, when you find yourself feeling fear, what then? The strongest...
Whether official policy or not, in many companies in order to be promoted, you have to have already begun doing the work of the next level. When that next level is a position of leadership, it isn't always easy to have that work line up with...
An individual development plan is a document that YOU create and YOU own that documents how you'd like your career to progress. It's main purpose is to facilitate communication with your leaders on your career goals - both short term and long...
If we look at your day to day activities, some of your tasks are process driven. They are driven by standard operating procedures (SOPs) that dictate what needs to be done. There may be associated flowcharts and decision trees which direct...
Welcome to Managing a Career, I'm Layne Robinson. This podcast is aimed to help you navigate the path to professional success. Whether you're a recent graduate still searching for your place or a seasoned professional with years of...