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Nov. 6, 2023

Who is driving your career? - MAC025

Who is driving your career? - MAC025

Today, we're tackling a question that's crucial for everyone navigating the professional landscape: how much faster does your career progress if you actively own it instead of waiting for your career to happen to you?   To truly grasp the impact...

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Managing A Career

Today, we're tackling a question that's crucial for everyone navigating the professional landscape: how much faster does your career progress if you actively own it instead of waiting for your career to happen to you?


To truly grasp the impact of taking control of your career, let's start by understanding the consequences of a passive approach. Imagine sitting idly by, waiting for opportunities to fall into your lap without actively seeking ways to enhance your skills or expand your network. In this scenario, the clock ticks on, but your professional growth remains stagnant.  You may eventually get promoted, but it will depend more on hitting "time in grade" limits for your current pay grade or when people ahead of you move on and you're just "next in line" and promoted by default.


However, the narrative shifts when you decide to take the wheel. Proactivity becomes the driving force behind your career journey. Instead of waiting, you start identifying your career goals, mapping out the steps needed to achieve them, and actively seeking opportunities for growth.  This mindset shift can trigger a significant difference in the speed and direction of your career progression.  This is essentially the process I detail in Episode 002 - Individual Development Plan.


But how exactly does this proactive approach fast-track your career progression? It's about taking strategic action. By actively owning your career, you're more likely to set ambitious yet achievable goals, create a clear roadmap for professional advancement, and actively seek out opportunities for growth. This intentionality and focus lead to quicker skill development, increased visibility, and a stronger professional network.


Additionally, owning your career allows you to become a master of your own narrative. Instead of being defined solely by external circumstances, you shape your story through your actions, achievements, and perseverance. Your proactive approach enables you to showcase your capabilities, expertise, and potential, positioning you as a valuable asset in your field.


It's crucial to recognize that owning your career isn't just about speed. It's also about direction. Taking charge of your professional trajectory empowers you to align your career path with your passions, values, and long-term aspirations. You can steer your journey toward roles and opportunities that resonate with your true calling, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven professional life.


But it's not just about career advancement, by owning your career, you also contribute to your overall job satisfaction.  When your career aligns with your personal goals, you will be more fulfilled.  Even when you face challenges, they will be more enjoyable because you know they are helping you reach the next level.  It's building on YOUR vision and not someone else's.


Owning your career demands dedication, resilience, and adaptability. It requires a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, embrace continuous learning, and navigate through obstacles and setbacks. However, it's precisely these challenges that foster personal growth and resilience, ultimately contributing to your overall career acceleration.


The speed at which your career progresses is intricately tied to your level of ownership and proactive engagement. By taking the initiative, setting goals, showcasing your value, and aligning your path with your aspirations, you not only accelerate your career but also shape it in a way that aligns with your true purpose. Remember, your career is a journey you actively shape, not a destination someone takes you to.


Just by being a subscriber to this podcast, you've already shown that these things matter to you, take the extra steps of building your IDP and communicating it with your leaders.  If you need an IDP template, I have a free template available by request.  Go to the website and request the IDP template via the contact form.


Are you looking for a career coach? If you reach out to me via the contact form, I will arrange an introductory session where we can talk about your career goals and how I can help. If we're a good fit, we can schedule regular coaching sessions.